Thursday, January 5, 2012

Paramount Hopes to Turn World War Z Into a Franchise

Paramount is looking to capitalize on what they hope will be their newest franchise, World War Z.  The film version of the Max Brooks novel of the same name is due to hit theaters on December 21st, and now, Paramount hopes to turn the film into a trilogy.  This new trend of breaking apart books into multiple movies seems to be catching on in Hollywood, see Twilight Breaking Dawn, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows and The Hobbit.  World War Z is directed by Marc Forster and stars Brad Pitt as a UN fact-finder who travels around the world to find the origins of the zombie pandemic that has toppled civilization. World War Z is the most expensive Zombie film made to date.  

For more on World War Z author Max Brooks, check out this video interview he did with Dreaming Genius Television last October.

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